Open Enrollment
Open enrollment is very important — and sometimes stressful — time for your organization and your employees. It’s the one time during the year when employees have the chance to enroll or make changes to their benefits. Whether your company’s benefit offerings are staying the same or undergoing some major changes, effective employee communication and transparency are key in maintaining a happy (and healthy) workforce — and experiencing a successful enrollment period.
Aim for More During Open Enrollment
It’s crucial that your employees are informed of their benefit options, and what better time to do that than during open enrollment?
But the road to a smooth enrollment season can be bumpy at times. Employee benefit are sort of like a puzzle — several pieces make a whole. And it can be difficult for employees to recognize which pieces fit their lifestyle best. PartnerComm works with you to create materials to help educate and guide your employees through the open enrollment process. And we don’t stop at a traditional benefits guide. We develop websites, videos, podcasts and everything in between to help increase engagement and, in turn, the overall employee experience.
We take a thoughtful approach to each and every communication strategy we construct. We use direct and simple language to explain complex concepts and details. We want to give anyone and everyone, no matter where they’re at in life, the ability to process their benefit options with ease, so they have the confidence to make the best enrollment decisions for themselves and their families.
Open enrollment is what we consider one of the most wonderful times of the year. (Yes, really!) Can you say the same for your company? Contact us today! We’re ready to help you create a seamless and effective open enrollment experience with top-notch employee communication.