3 Employee Benefits Communication Tips Worth Applauding

BENEFITS | Jan 4, 2021

Don’t laugh, but effective employee benefits communication has all the makings of a delightful comedy bit.

Good Material

A key component to attract and retain talent is to offer a solid employee benefits package with plans and resources employees can turn to when they need them.

  • In a Glassdoor survey, 57% of job seekers said that benefits are a key deciding factor when considering a job offer.
  • A 2018 SHRM survey confirmed that 92% of participants consider benefits vital to their job satisfaction.
  • The same SHRM survey also reported that 29% of participants would look for work elsewhere if they weren’t happy with their benefits.

The advantages of a superior benefits program are clear. Educating your workforce on their benefits and how to use them is essential to continued employee satisfaction.

Proper Timing

Do you communicate benefits with your employees all year long? Since people have benefit needs year-round, it’s best to keep them engaged more often than during onboarding and annual enrollment season. Consider communicating often about employee-friendly programs like paid family leave, flexible work options, and other popular benefits offerings.

Flawless Delivery

Variety is a key ingredient in spicing up your approach to benefits communication. There are many ways to engage employees in their benefits these days, including email campaigns, newsletters, text messages, digital platforms, videos…the list continues. Most likely, you have a diverse audience, so find out their preferences for consuming content and keep serving it up.

Let’s Be Partners

If you’re ready to change how your people use their benefits, experience company culture, and take actions that drive success at work and in life, we’re ready to help. Together, we can raise the bar on your employee communication and produce measurable results so that you can grow and thrive.

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